Action Alerts

Help us pass criminal justice reforms! President Donald Trump recently voiced his support for a bipartisan criminal justice bill, a revised First Step Act that would provide sentencing and prison reforms. The First Step Act would curb mandatory minimums for many low-level drug crimes, providing judges with more discretion over individual cases. The bill also aims to eliminate the…

Read more Washington E-Memo

A recent study published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts a bleak future if nothing is done by governments and individuals to curb climate change. Vulnerable communities around the world are already experiencing the negative impacts of a changing climate, including drought, flooding, famine and increased natural disasters, all of which also contribute to migration…

Read more A key to our changing climate

  Central American migrant caravan A caravan of about 7,000 Central American migrants entered Mexico in mid-October. Though this caravan is unusually large, traveling together is common as migrants are less likely to be victims of violence in a bigger group. Most are fleeing violence and poverty in their home communities. As with previous caravans, many people…

Read more Washington E-Memo

In 2015, Artur’s* family was forced to leave their home in Aleppo, Syria when their home was destroyed. Artur, who requires expensive medications and is unemployed, lives with his elderly parents, wife and two children. The family has received various forms of assistance from Mennonite Central Committee through a partner organization. The war in Syria…

Read more The war goes on

Read in Spanish. Central American migrant caravan A caravan of about 7,000 Central American migrants entered Mexico in mid-October. Though this caravan is unusually large, such caravans are common as, by travelling in groups, migrants are less likely to be victims of violence or other crimes. Many are fleeing violence and poverty in their home communities. Others…

Read more Immigration update