Days of Prayer and Action: Oiga (Listen)

Argemiro Joaquin Maza Contreras is a campesino from the Mampujan community. He was displaced from his home in 2000 by violence. (MCC Photo/Silas Crews)

In the worship packet this year there are a number of multimedia resources available to participants. These resources can be used in a worship service or small group setting. Organizers may choose to use one of multimedia resources or all of them. These resources help to visually and lyrically portray the current crisis in Colombia. Oiga (Listen), song written by Philip Hart, is a call to actively pursue peace and justice.

Listen! We will not accept this
injustice that’s presented to us.
Listen! We move forward.
We will always fight for peace. 

We encourage you to take full advantage of these great resources.

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